Saturday, November 28, 2009

What do Pakistani men like?

I'm interested in a really smart, funny, cute Pakistani man in his mid-30s, who moved to America in his early teens. I would like some input from similarly aged Pakistani men. I know that all men regardless of nationality like different things, but there must be some cultural things that you gentlemen seem to like as a group ... types of perfumes, hair styles (long vs. short, for example), clothing styles, etc. Please help.

Blessings and peace to all of you!

What do Pakistani men like?

I am a Pakistani, and trying to help you. If this Pakistani man had moved to USA in his teens, and by now he mid thirty's, he should have had acquired most of the social and cultural values of US, you will have to focus on that man, to find out his personal characteristics. Not all the Pakistanis are same, likewise other nations in the world. By asking such questions, I am afraid you may be mislead ed. I would like to recommend that you discuss the same with him, sure you will find the right answers. I can assure you one thing...... Pakistanis are warm hearted, open minded, sincere friends and believe in high ethical standards about social life. May Allah Almighty bless you with peace, I t feel indebted to your comments about a nice Pakistani.

What do Pakistani men like?

seven elevens ?

What do Pakistani men like?

IDK... I don't know any Pakistanian men... But I guess they're just like every other male. They like women... Not every Pakistanian man is this same.

And he moved here in his teens... He's probably adapted to the American culture.

What do Pakistani men like?

Mmmmm,Pakistani women? Just kidding....I'm not Pakistani....I'm French,Scots/Irish and Native American....Whew ! Try to figure out what

I like....My point is, we all have certain cultural and / or ethnic values we must deal with our entire lives....but we don't generally do it openly in "this" society....I'm not trying to get political fact, just the opposite....I think that if you like this gentleman,you should pay attention to the man that he has become,the person that he has evolved to said it yourself,"all men regardless of nationality like different things"....I think you had already sensed what I've said here,so I'm really not telling you anything I....maybe you just need to trust your own judgment a little are smart enough....otherwise,you would not have been able to assemble such a well constructed verbal request....Good Luck chicki',you'll do alright....Q',

P.S. I'm not a kid,I'm nearly 60,but like everyone else here,this is just an opinion....and

we all know what those are worth,don't we....

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